It's so hard for me to believe that my baby girl is 12 yrs old today. I look at her and see this beautiful young lady standing were my toddler use to stand. I remember back to those little hands reaching up for me and saying......"up,up". Now this young lady looks at me and says...."mommy does my outfit look ok....does my hair look these shoes match....." Wow, where has time gone? But another very special thing that I see in the eyes of this child is a pure unshakable love. When I think of the things my girls have been through over the years I am so blessed to have two beautiful girls who love God with all their heart and are completely dependant on him in everything they do. It really rings true the promise......"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. The Lord stepped in and took control when there was no one else to turn to. He healed our broken hearts and taught us to depend on Him. I think back when i was a 12 yr old girl and I praise God that my baby girl is not doing the things I was doing at twelve! She is strong and focused, doing great in school, has taken up playing the Violin and is GREAT at it and has also taken up and interest in playing soccer. She's firm in her belief in Christ and isn't afraid to share that anywhere or with anyone.
THANK YOU GOD for guiding me in raising this precious baby girl!!
I praise you because she is fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
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