Driving home Saturday after dropping the girls off with their daddy i had a lot of time to think (sitting in traffic of course!! grrr) . Anyway, i began to think of my life and how things have changed. It's crazy for me to think back where i was 5 years ago and where i would be now if it weren't for God's grace and love. I'm so thankful that He did not give me what i deserved and that he loves me just as I am! But I began to wonder do i really share that enough? Is my life enough evidence for those around me to see that God is a mighty God? Yeah, i go to church and i read my bible and all the other "christian" things, but is my LIFE proof? I don't want to be known as being "religious" I think that is a HUGE box that we as Christ followers unfortunately place God in sometimes. We tend to hide Him behind the fact that we go to church everytime the doors are open, that we read our bibles everyday, we squeeze in those few minutes with him.....we even pay our tithes......that should be enough for people to see that i love Jesus, right?? All those things are important and needed for sure! Don't get me wrong there, but if those are the only things that give people reason to "know" I'm a Christ follower than something is wrong. **You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. James 2:19** Our faith should not be evident to others only by the fact that we say we go to church or read our bibles. Our faith should speak louder by our actions and the things we do. Now we aren't saved by our actions, but by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ, but when we are saved it should show by our actions.
**Rahab the prostitute is another example. She was shown to be right with God by her actions when she hid those messengers and sent them safely away by a different road. Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works. James 2:25-26**
This scripture stuck out to me because here you see a prostitute, prostitute now, that was shown to be right with God by her actions of helping these messengers. Rahab's story (Joshua 2) is marked in this book due to her actions in showing grace to others. She could have turned these men in when the King of Jericho asked her where they were, but she didn't......she chose to help and hid them because she knew that the land had been given to them by the LORD. It says that she was "shown" to be right with God by her "actions"......if Rahab would have asked these messangers to spare her by "saying" she believed in their God and left them to fend for themselves do you think it would have gone the same way? Many people say they believe, but how many follow through with their actions. We all have choices in our lives and I believe God orchestrates opportunities for us to show our faith through our actions, but it is OUR choice to accept and take action.
The world isn't going to know Jesus by us just telling them about him. The world needs to see and feel the love of Jesus. And the only way they will is by our actions through the love Jesus has given us. Let us not "BOX" Jesus in a Religious box. Let us step out and "show" people who Jesus is!
**The one thing that an unbelieving world finds simply unbelievable,
is christians professing Christ with their mouth yet denying him by their lifestyle**
Great post Missy! I am looking forward to reading more.
Wow,very great post Missy! Very encouraging message. Let me know when you write more
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