Friday, September 19, 2008

What shadow are you casting

14 Yet more and more people believed and were brought to the Lord—crowds of both men and women. 15 As a result of the apostles’ work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by

Acts 5:14-15 (New Living Translation)

We all cast shadows.....the question is what kind of shadow are we casting. I think shadows are so funny! You know depending on how or where you stand your shadow can be tall, skinny, short or fat.......all different kinds of shapes. I remember being a kid and finding it entertaining to try and step on my shadow.......but of course my shadow was always one step ahead, or behind me....I never could seem to catch it. It was also fun to make characters with my hands....rabbits, puppies, alligators..etc..I don't know why it was just fun. Well as adults we don't really have fun with our shadows anymore....well most of us anyway, but regardless if we notice our shadows anymore we're still casting one. Just like our lives cast shadows on others whether we see it or not. This verse in Acts really speaks to me on how, as believers we should be making an impression on people. These people were so taken by the life the apostles lived and the miracles they did in Christ, they would actually bring there sick and lay them in the streets....just in hopes that the shadow of the apostles would pass over one of them and they'd be healed!! What faith! But there had to be something in how the apostles lived their lives to bring about such faith. Yes, the faith is in Christ and the miracles are performed through the Holy Spirit, but it was done through the apostles. The people saw how they lived and came from everywhere to find out how they could have what the apostles had! We as Christ followers should be casting that kind of shadow one of hope, life and love. We should be casting a shadow that would draw people to Christ. Our lives and how we live them brings the message of Christ more clearly than just "talking" about it. Do we need to share our faith? Yes, of course!! Am I saying that we should just do good things for people and never tell them about Christ? No, not at all. I'm saying that along with sharing our faith with people we should be casting a shadow that speaks the exact same thing we are speaking. Regardless if you want to or not you WILL leave an impression on people....or cast a shadow on them. Are you casting a shadow full of faith, hope and love? As a believer if your always complaining and negative, sad, can people see the love of Christ in that? As believers we should have a joy that is contagious.....a life that people would want to know more about and would bring the sick to be healed! Our faith should cast a shadow of faith and joy in Him! So, we should ask ourselves at the end of each day....."what kind of shadow did I cast today?".

5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;

no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

Psalm 34:5